SSHPro - SSH client for Windows
SSHPro is an integrated and powerful 32-bit software tool consisting of the
following functional parts:
Telnet_S virtual terminal emulator
Telnet_S is a communications and terminal emulation program for logging into
remote machine and executing commands in a remote machine. It allows you to
connect to and communicate with hosts that support: - the Telnet protocol and
run a Telnet service over an insecure channel - the Secure Shell protocol,
SSH1/SSH2, and run a SSH1/SSH2 service to provide strong authentication and
secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure
network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over
the secure channel. TCP forwarding features make it possible to communicate
across a firewall. The "Dynamic Port Forwarding" feature (an extension of the
standard SSH1/SSH2 protocols for inter-task requests in multi-task environment)
allows you to start other package's utilities (e.g., FTP) through established
SSH1/SSH2 connections without direct access to remote hosts.
Telnet_S includes the following features:
- compatibility with SSH protocol version 1.5 (a SSH1-client)
- ciphers (for the SSH1-client): 3DES, Blowfish, DES, RC4
- compatibility with SSH 2.1 protocol (a SSH2-client based on OpenSSH 3.0.2)
- ciphers (for the SSH2-client): 3DES, Blowfish, CAST128, ARCFOUR, AES128, AES192, AES256-cbc
- password authentication
- RSA authentication
- compression support
- connection forwarding, including full support for X-protocol connection forwarding
- "Dynamic Port Forwarding" that provides other tasks on the same PC with requested port forwarding.
While you are using Telnet_S, you can:
- initiate and control remote login sessions in the Telnet or SSH1/SSH2 modes
- set some options for particular implementations of Telnet_S
- change fonts of text displayed in the Telnet_S window
- select a terminal emulation mode in the Telnet_S session.
The Telnet_S program can emulate XTERM, AT386, ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT125,
VT220 and VT240 terminals for character-mode applications. Advanced users can
edit the terminal capabilities description file to suit to the special
By using the Keyboard Mapping option (i.e., keymap editor invoking), you can
load, change (re-define keys and create a new keyboard layout), and save any
keyboard definition file.